Monday, August 29, 2016

Monthly BroadCast 2016 (Second Quarter)

Friday, July 8, 2016

Monthly BroadCast 2016 (First Quarter)

January 2016

It's another year again and it's definitely promising to be packed with lots of goodies. But then 2015 came with a lot as well and personally I ended the year extremely thankful.

However I've learnt that being grateful has no stop date, and for this year, it would only be awesome to wake up and sleep daily with a thankful heart. Remember a thank you to anyone who helps you or even for 'small' gestures. You could also start a journal of all that stirs gratitude in you, one you can read again & again during the year.

This will not only help you develop the ability to look out positively in life but it would make you even more beautiful. After all, thankful hearts radiate beauty.

Have a blessed January.


February 2016 

One thing that came strongly to me early in the year was this phrase - "Guard your heart".

We are often careful to look out for open doors in our homes and offices. And very rarely careless at night when we retire to bed. Sometimes even rechecking our locks to be sure we didn't miss any.

The heart shouldn't be treated any less. That is the womb that carries your goals and dreams. So, who are those you share your deep thoughts with? What images do you constantly behold? What words of life do you ensure gets in? Do they keep your heart safe or endangered?

Keep your heart guarded and have a fabulous February


March 2016

Every now and then we learn something new. It could be deliberate like reading a book, attending a training or one-on-one interaction with someone who shares insights or tips with us.

Some other times, we bump into new lessons. A quote we see online, a message we hear on the media just flipping the channels or even those experiences we have that leave strong impressions on us.

One needful thing though, that will differentiate you as time goes on are the practices you take up as a result of these learnings to be better. Sometimes God may allow an experience re-occur until we actually master responding to such differently more so in a better way.

Don't leave your learning opportunities at jotting stage, or sharing with others. Make it a habit to include as a new action in your life.

Have a Marvellous March


Saturday, December 19, 2015

Monthly BroadCast 2015 (Last Quarter)

October 2015

There's this story I've known for a while. 2 men who had the opportunity to build a house. 

One built his on a rock, and the other on sand. Sure enough, the rains & storms came. The rock house remained. It withstood the force and pressure because it had a strong foundation. But not the house on the sand, with an unstable one.

Everyday we are building. Our faith, our relationships, our parenting, our health, our career & our future. But on what foundation?

Any unstable foundation must be changed. It's never too late to rebuild, and to build right. Tough times will come, but that sure foundation will sustain.

Be blessed
Fondly by @Folafayo

November 2015

On one hand, education adds knowledge and on another, it equips with the ability to learn even more.

But then outside the 'walls' of a school it is also important to keep learning - new things and new ways especially in areas that matter so much to us.

If you aren't yet taking time to learn more about that career, that relationship, parenting/raising kids or even keeping fit/healthy, then probably it's really not that high on your priority list.

'Now' is a always a good time to pick that book, search for an article, attend a training, speak to an expert, listen to a podcast, join a relevant group/community... to get a reboost and step up your confidence level. Just keep learning because it will help you be better and do better

Have a blessed November
Fondly by @FolaFayo

December 2015  

What will differentiate you now from who you'll be this time next year will include the dreams you have & the goals you set now.

"If you could see yourself in terms of your true potential, you wouldn't recognize yourself" - JC Maxwell

As 2015 gradually takes a bow, I'd like to leave you with these -

*Go over your goals/dreams list for this year (some achievements and some outstandings may surprise you)
*Start preparing your goal/dream list for the new year
*As an idea comes to mind, even if it seems challenging, note it down somewhere (e.g. On your phone)
*As much as possible, include an image to those points (images are stronger than words)
*And start praying about it (Because you'll always require supernatural help). 

On behalf of myself and my family, here's wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic 2016 in advance.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Monthly BroadCast 2015 (3rd Quarter)

July 2015

I apologize for not sending out a note in June. My desire to bless will keep me going still.

In a discussion I had recently, my position on an issue was questioned. I believe the ease with which I was able to respond was tied to my personal conclusion on that topic long before it was raised. 

Another reason would be where my values along that line lie currently.

It's the 2nd half of the year, if anything, we want to be more deliberate. Now is the time to...

*Be decisive on our plans/grey areas
*Tap into support from the right people/sources to do this
*Be clear on our values and ensure they are the basis for those decisions/positions

...even long before they get questioned/challenged/tested.

Have a joy-filled July
Fondly from @FolaFayo

August 2015

So we continue with the second half of the year, trying to achieve our goals and accomplish feats. 

Sometimes however, the 'simple' daily routine seems so overwhelming, that we are unable to do anything extra towards those goals.

So that those goals don't stay untouched, my encouragement is to

*Start Small
*Stay consistent
*Share with Someone who will hold you accountable 

That book you want to read, cover a page today. And another tomorrow, and then again. That business you want to start, get more info about it then make one sale, and then another. 

Just keep that passion alive by keep on keeping on.

Have an Awesome August
Fondly from @ FolaFayo

September 2015

There are times when we probably wonder why something that is "important" to us isn't flourishing. Or maybe we ask ourselves why we aren't so upbeat about that "passion". 

Well I've been reminded recently that what we focus on grows. So maybe what we expect to do so well isn't, but definitely something else that has our focus is.

The challenge is to identify what has taken our attention and then try to switch it with what is more important to us. Our energies naturally flow to where our mind is, and the mind is filled with what we see / gaze on.

What are you beholding?

Have a special September 
Fondly from @FolaFayo

Friday, December 4, 2015

Monthly BroadCast 2015 ( 2nd Quarter)

April 2015

The goal post in soccer is fixed before a match so all players are aligned on how to achieve success, whether as an attacker, in the midfield or in defence. Before 2015, most of us also set goals on areas we wanted to achieve success - spiritually, financially, with our health, in our relationships or career.

This new quarter is a good time to review them. To reset reminders if necessary that would help us achieve them. For those who haven't it's never too late to have something to look forward to. I was challenged to see how much work I still have to put in some areas but excited at the ones I can cross out. 

Also, if you had a promise from God for the year, now is the time to take out your note and read it again. For encouragement and for hope, that so much still lies ahead in 2015.

Have an Awesome April

May 2015

It is true many of us know that to be more productive, we need to identify and note down our goals. To even break them into to do's and also to prioritize them.

However there are times when resources especially the 24hours (or 18hours of "awake-time") aren't enough to cover those daily priorities. I was there again recently, but with the help of my hubby was reminded to schedule the priorities.

When you get around this, you discover how much more important some to do's are. You can actually cross out a few completely, and eventually become less stressed covering them with available resources.

May your May be impactful


June 2015..oops! this was one extremely busy month for me and my family and I was unable to share anything. 

Gratefully I recovered in this space!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Monthly Broadcast 2015 (1st Quarter)

So, in the past two years or thereabout, I have broadcasted messages monthly (via Whatsapp) to inspire, motivate and encourage. For posterity sake :), I will now include them on Footsteps.

Also, only a few people get the messages and those who have not had the opportunity to read them in the past, can now do so on the blog. I will share in the next few weeks all the broadcasts so far for 2015 in a quarterly format, starting with the first.

I'm sure the messages will still be as relevant and timely as when shared earlier in the year too. Be blessed...!

(For January 2015, it was simple New Year Greeting, wishing everyone a great year ahead) 

February 2015
Ok, it is true that we are all different and we have our way of doing things - from making eggs to brushing our teeth...from how we make friends to how we handle issues.

However as we relate more with people, if we let ourselves be open, we discover new ways which may actually be better.

If one is the same person one was 5 years ago, there is a problem. Each year should have come with at least one new and better we continue in the new year, be open, be true to change... be better.

Have a Fabulous February


March 2015  
Just this week, I came across this quote in a book by Francine Rivers - "Don't let a day go by without seeing some wonder in it".

Simple as it sounds, it could be a challenge sometimes. Probably because we feel like our to do list never seems to end, people around us are falling below our expectations, uncertainties holding us back from certain decisions or the days seem to pass quite stressfully.

Yet it is possible. A wonder in your spouse's touch or kind gesture; your kids smile or soft breath while sleeping; the bird that takes flight at the slightest sound; the sun's rays as it rises, it's effects as it sets...there are wonders all around, if we will look. All pointing to a God who has you on His mind all the time.

Have a blessed month this March

(PhotoCredit - ShutterStock , S.R.Lee Photo Traveller)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

There's More To You

Sometime ago, I was trimming my son's nails and then he asked, "Mummy why does this, though small, make noise?" He was wondering why there was sound coming from such trivial activity and with small objects. My response to him – it’s not always about the size of a thing but what it is made of.

Then I went on to explain various types of materials and their properties. I also mentioned different sizes of things that could be made from them and their varying strengths or capacity to produce sound when broken or cut. As I explained, I was reminded that our 'size' or what others see is not all there is to us. Infact our parts which cannot be seen actually define us, distinguish us from others and determine how we ‘make noise’ when being broken or cut.

There are a number of parts to who we are, but an important one is what we believe. What we believe about ourselves, what we believe about others, what we believe about life (and many life issues), what we believe about what we see and what we believe about life beyond this life. But most importantly is what we believe about the One who made us, His thoughts about us and plans for us.

The truth is, we live life and deal with what it throws at us based on what we believe. If you want to stir change in your life or others, you need to start with the belief system. I know what I believe, do you?

A story many know comes to mind, about the wise man and the foolish man who built houses. The wise man built his on the rock and foolish on sand. When the storm came, the house on the sand collapsed but the one on the rock stood firm. The story did not say any of the houses was built with poor materials but it was clear that their foundations differentiated them. So our foundation is also as important as what we believe. Personally, I recommend building all of life on that which is permanent especially the eternal. Temporary things are not only short term but wreck and waste the best of efforts and resources.

As we continue in the year, with the opportunities for the new and for change, let's be challenged to review our beliefs and also become more conscious of them. Let us also ensure our lives (attitudes, values, dreams and works) are based on foundations that will stand the test of time, in particular with eternal value.